Common Law

Common Law Obiter Dicta

HKU SPACE is 1 of the top providers of component-time legal education in Hong Kong supplying courses that are of interest not only these seeking to legal work but also every person interested in being aware of how law affects their function and everyday life. As a outcome of the criticisms levelled against the double actionability rule, there is a much more now to adopt what is termed the proper law of torts” arrived at by a near similar evaluation as adopted in arriving at the appropriate law of contract. Common Law offers with the Income of Substance belonging to the People (Gold and Silver Coins) while the Law Merchant offers with the law of Bills, Notes and Checks, (in other words, with negotiable instruments and industrial paper). Common Law Courts are as a result universal, not constricted by customary borders or laws, and are jurisdictionally competent to adjudicate any issue or grievance.

Sentido de common law é, pois, muito diferente do sentido da expressão «direito comum», ius commune, utilizada no continente para designar, sobretudo a partir do século XVI, direito erudito, elaborado com base no direito romano e servindo de direito supletivo às leis e costumes de cada país. The governing physique of the ADGM have created their personal laws on businesses, information protection, employment, insolvency and partnerships which are based on English law. The law is that people can’t resist when the police illegally enter your residence, not that they can.

It is a typical experience that ugly people have satisfactory social lives – Boris Karloff is not known to have been a recluse – and it is a well-known belief for the truth of which I am unable to vouch that ugly males are particularly desirable to ladies. In contrast to the common law proceedings, the president of the bench in the inquisitorial method is not merely an umpire and is entitled to directly interview the witnesses or express comments during the trial, as extended as he or she does not express his or her view on the guilt of the accused. Prior to 2007, separate entrance examinations were performed by both the traditional and autonomous law colleges/universities to admit candidates in a law course.


With some of the most significant names in law, including Chitty, Clerk & Lindsell, McGregor and Phipson, the titles in the Common Law Library give the last word on any common law query, clarifying complicated legal problems and helping you to resolve disputes. By 1301 the standard way of obtaining the common counsel of the realm on the amendment or annulling of any law—the modus debitus”—had undoubtedly become an enactment by Parliament. The only part of this codification approach that was regarded total is identified as the Field Code applying to civil process The original colony of New Netherland was settled by the Dutch and the law was also Dutch.

With no official documents to prove the marriage, a common law wife, for example, might be denied the proper to make health-related choices for her incapacitated husband. Edward I (reigned 1272-1307) has been referred to as the English Justinian since his enactments had such an essential influence on the law of the Middle Ages. Doctrine of res gestae is governed beneath strict surveillance in common law to uphold the originality of the evidence – stopping concoction and fabrication.